
Good pitch deck example

A pitch deck is a crucial element of a business’s storytelling fabric. It's used when a business is seeking external funding from investors. The pitch deck typically contains between 10-20 slides and introduces a company’s business model, team, strategy, and financial forecasts, among other things. An expertly crafted pitch deck can be the key to unlocking that next round of funding, finding a business partner, or landing a big sale. In today’s article, we will be dissecting a good pitch deck example, and discussing essential elements that should be included in your pitch deck to make it a compelling one.
One of the most famous startup pitch decks is the one that launched Airbnb. It’s hailed as a perfect example of a pitch deck because of its efficacy in conveying the company’s story, value proposition, and potential. Best of all, it played a significant role in Airbnb’s rise to a $31 billion valuation. Let’s break down why Airbnb’s pitch deck was so successful.

**Problem and Solution**

Clear identification of problem and solution is integral for any business. The first two slides of Airbnb’s deck identified an issues travelers face, which was high hotel prices and a lack of authentic experiences. Their solution— a web platform where people could rent out their own rooms or houses. Mentioning both the problem and the solution in the early stages of your pitch deck will ensure that your prospective investors or partners understand your company’s mission right off the bat.

**Market Validation**

It is essential to present any validations or proof of concept that your business has. Airbnb did this with a simple graph showing week-by-week growth in their bookings. This not only demonstrates that their product has interest, but also potential for growth. You don’t need to have booming sales or a huge customer base. Any kind of validation, such as positive customer reviews, media coverage or even beta testing results, can increase your credibility.

**Market Size**

Having a large potential market indicates there is room for substantial return on investment. For this, Airbnb delineated two main markets—"budget travelers" and "online accommodation bookings" and provided estimates for the size of these markets.

**Business Model**

It is crucial to be clear on how your company makes money. Airbnb offered a straightforward explanation of their business model— charge 10% fee per booking from travelers and 3% from hosts. By showing their revenue streams, they demonstrated that their idea is not only innovative, but also financially viable.


Giving investors a view into your company’s financials allows them to understand your monetary position, profit potential and strategy for future growth. Though Airbnb’s deck didn't include this section, it's an essential component for the majority of pitch decks today.

**Management Team**

Investors aren't just investing in an idea, they're investing in the people who will be turning that idea into reality. Highlighting the team involved and their relevant experiences and skills provides reassurance about the project's execution.
Creating an engaging pitch deck is an art form. There are numerous online tools available that can assist you in creating a powerful presentation. They offer features like customizable templates, data protection, and usage analytics. One of these is HelpRange, which provides online PDF usage analytics and document protection.

**Close with a Call to Action**

Finally, a memorable pitch deck should end with a compelling call to action. What do you want your potential investor or partner to do after they've seen your pitch? Be clear about your desired outcome.
These are the lessons we can learn from Airbnb’s pitch deck. Remember, a pitch deck is about presenting your business in the most compelling manner possible. Telling your business’s unique story, showing evidence of your potential for success, illustrating financial projections, and giving prominence to your team are all essential elements of a captivating pitch deck.
A compelling pitch deck can unlock exciting opportunities for your business. So, take your time, do your research, and put together a compelling case for why investors should put their faith (and their money) in you.

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