
How to securely share pitch deck online?

Getting funding for your startup can often hinge on having a killer pitch deck. But while your deck might be a masterpiece of persuasion, it’s important to ensure that it doesn't fall into the wrong hands or be used in a way you didn't intend. Thus, securely sharing your pitch deck online is of paramount significance. So, how do you go about it?

1. Choose a Secure Platform

One of the first steps to effectively sharing your pitch deck securely online is choosing the right platform to share it on. Consider using a dedicated platform that prioritizes security and allows you to control who views your presentation.
Options include Google Drive, Dropbox, Box, or HelpRange that not only allow you to set permissions for who can access your pitch deck but also offer robust security features, including encryption and two-factor authentication.

2. Password-Protect Your Pitch Deck

Making sure your pitch deck is password-protected gives a second layer of security. You should use a strong password that can't be easily guessed and share the password separately with your recipients.
Many presentation tools including Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft PowerPoint allow you to password-protect your files directly within the application. In addition to setting a password to open the file, you can also set permissions passwords that restrict printing, editing, and copying of your deck.

3. Use DRM Security

Digital Rights Management (DRM) is an organized approach to copyright protection for digital media. It prevents unapproved redistribution of digital content and restricts the ways consumers can copy it.
By creating a PDF version of your pitch deck and applying DRM settings, you can prevent unauthorized use and dissemination of your presentation. Do remember though, that DRM can be somewhat user-unfriendly and many consider it a last resort.

4. Track Your Pitch Deck

With advanced technology, it’s now possible to track the usage of your pitch deck. You can use privacy settings on sharing platforms that provide you with information on when and how often your file is viewed.
Alternatively, you can use specialized PDF analytic tools like DocSend or HelpRange. These services allow you to see detailed information about how your document is being interacted with, including which pages are viewed most and how much time readers are spending on each slide.

5. Send a View-Only Link

With document management solutions like Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive, you can send a view-only link to your recipients. This limits their ability to download or share your pitch deck. It’s an added layer of security, but it isn’t 100% foolproof since determined users can still take screenshots.

6. Encrypt your Pitch Deck

Encryption can offer an extra layer of security. Using tools like 7-zip or WinZip, you can compress your pitch deck into a zip file and encrypt it with a password. When sending the file, make sure to transmit the password separately for maximum security.

7. Watermark Your Slides

Adding a watermark to your pitch deck can deter unauthorized use and distribution. When recipients know the file can be traced back to them, they are less likely to share it recklessly.

8. Set an Expiry Date

If possible, set an expiration date for your deck. Some online sharing tools allow you to set a date after which the file can’t be accessed anymore. This is an effective method for timed pitches when the potential investor has a set window to review your proposal.
Securely sharing your pitch deck comes down to selecting the right tools and processes that maintain a balance between easy access for authorized viewers and security measures to prevent unauthorized use. Always remember, the privacy of your pitch deck is as important as the pitch itself, as you would never want your confidential business ideas and strategies to fall into wrong hands. The right platform, such as HelpRange, offers an ideal solution, providing not only secure sharing but also insightful analytics that let you understand viewer engagement in real time.
Remember, in the business world, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Hence, adding these additional security measures when sharing your pitch deck online can make all the difference. Take the time to secure your deck and rest easy knowing that your unique ideas are safe.

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